For webmasters

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You can display the IP of your visitors on your own website. This is done either by using an image or a Javascript integration. The image integration can also be used as a forum signature.

Just pick the desired code from the list and insert it into your website or signature – done!

What's my IP
HTML - Image, Style 1 (125 x 125px)
BBCODE - Image, Style 1 (125 x 125px)
What's my IP
HTML - Image, Style 2 (400 x 50px)
BBCODE - Image, Style 2 (400 x 50px)
What's my IP
HTML - Image, Style 3 (125 x 40px)
BBCODE - Image, Style 3 (125 x 40px)
HTML - Javascript, white background
HTML - Javascript, black background
HTML - Javascript, transparent
HTML - Javascript, unformatted

We accept no liability for the accuracy and integrity of all the information presented. The usage of the free service takes place at the visitor's own risk.